Had to laugh out loud at this one. Oh man, *blush*
Found this on Diaries of a white mother raising a black baby blog.
We contacted this company through their website, Events Auckland Party Hire. We asked for a quote on chairs and tables. …
Another upcycled set of boxer briefs, from old tshirts!
From the very first line in this book, by Wednesday Martin, it is clear that she understands me completely. “My …
I was so excited today to sit down at my computer, and receive an email, telling me that Mark had …
I’d like you to meet Heather. She’s a mum. She’s a survivor. A survivor of cancer. That horrible word, that …
Ok so I’m getting drawn in to the whole Pinterest thing. Here’s some I found awesome this week. Source: sunshineandsippycups.com …
I was in a specialist appointment the other day. “Do you work?” says the specialist. “I’m a mum of 5 …
Had to laugh out loud at this one. Oh man, *blush*
Found this on Diaries of a white mother raising a black baby blog.
So I just finished sharpening pencils. A bucketload of them. And every time I finished one, I’d hear ‘this one needs sharpening too Mummy’, and I just had to do it. The things I do as a Mummy. Sigh.
Teaser verse, to whet your appetitte: “The windows are dark in the town, child. The whales huddle down in the …
Did a nice walk today 2.76km, with the kids geocaching. http://runkeeper.com/user/Mummybrain/activity/65900394
We tried to find a geocache, but just couldn’t find it! Bit disappointing, but the walk was still nice.
We decided to hide heart #3 in a library book, that I was returning to the library. What is the …