wow, what a book. From start to finish – wow. Everything about it was so well done.
Plot summary – worth reading
Quote 1: “He start to choke me, saying You better shut up and git used to it. But I don’t never git used to it. And now I feels sick every time I be the one to cook.” Part 1, pg. 11
Quote 2: “But me, never again. A girl at church say you git big if you bleed every month. I don’t bleed no more.” Part 1, pg. 15
Quote 8: “All the men got they eyes glued to Shug’s bosom. I got my eyes glued there too. I feel my nipples harden under my dress. My little button sort of perk up too. Shug, I say to her in my mind, Girl, you looks like a real good time, the Good Lord knows you do.” Part 2, pg. 82
Quote 9: “When I see Sofia I don’t know why she still alive. They crack her skull, they crack her ribs. They tear her nose loose on one side. They blind her in one eye. She swole from head to foot. Her tongue the size of my arm, it stick out tween her teef like a piece of rubber. She can’t talk. And she just about the color of a eggplant.” Part 2, pg. 87