Quote of the Month – Michael Caine

I was rehearsing a play, and there was a scene that went on before me, then I had to come in the door. They rehearsed the scene, and one of the actors had thrown a chair at the other one. It landed right in front of the door where I came in. I opened the door and then rather lamely, I said to the producer who was sitting out in the stalls,’Well, look, I can’t get in. There’s a chair in my way.’ He said,’Well, use the difficulty.’ So I said ‘What do you mean, use the difficulty?’ He said ‘Well, if it’s a drama, pick it up and smash it. If it’s a comedy, fall over it.’ This was a line for me for life: Always use the difficulty.

Batman’s Pole

“Why is Batman’s pole twice as big as Robin’s?”

-A very innocent comment while watching the old series of Batman​

I’m in love

Upon trying a new type of cracker that we’d got – Jareth says

“Oh Mum, I’m in love… with this cracker.”

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