Braxton hicks still happening this morning. Have been timing them as 20 minutes apart. Midwife sent me off for blood and urine tests to ensure it’s not a urinary infection causing my uterus to contract.
Bad braxton hicks tonight. Kept waking up with them
Scan and Ob appointment today. Baby is clearly head down. He weights approx 3 pounds 14 ounces and is right on track to be perfectly normal size.
Last day at work today.
Midwife and Physician appointment today. Baby is head down already! We get a scan in about 3 weeks to check growth, so far he looks to be just right!
Birthing classes started tonight. They are every Thursday for 2 hours for the next 6 weeks.
We finally agreed on a name: Saxon James. This could change, but we’re both happy with this name.
Daddy felt baby move!!!
Daddy felt a lump today that was a baby lump 🙂 He didn’t feel it move, but felt the lump!
Started iron tablets today.
Have been really looking forward to today ‘With modern medical technology, your baby would have a chance to survive if it were born now.’ Today is the day of viability!!Got the test results and everything looks just fine, apart from the fact I’m really low in iron, so have to start iron tablets – great, apparently they cause constipation…