In the shadow
never THE mom
or THE dad
just the substitute.
Love like they are your own
honest and pure
You are not their own
They have their own.
On the bench.
That’s where you sit
You are not the first string.
It’s OK for a while, it’s not a competition.
It’s your heart.
Your love.
This is your ready made family.
And it’s not yours.
It’s theirs. Their Mom. Their Dad.
But divorced.
Extra wheel.
That’s you. That’s me.
You only need an extra wheel
When the others aren’t good.
But just for a little while.
You are easily replaced.
You are not one of them.
Can anyone see this but me?
Who do you talk to?
How do you discuss your pain?
What do you do with your hurt?
When they all stand together in one place
it’s random, a birthday party, a school conference
where do you stand.
Author not known.