Whilst looking up how to make ice cream at home, amongst the many sites with recipe’s for ice cream makers (which we don’t have) I found a suggestion that required no special equipment. Most are really specific but I’ll just explain what we did.
1c Cream
1c milk
2T sugar
plenty of ice
Small zip lock bags
Bigger zip lock bags
Some flavours, colours etc.
Mix cream, milk and sugar. Give the each person a small bag and share out the mix. Each person adds flavours and colours to their mix. Seal the bags. Give each person a larger bag and put salt, the small bag and plenty of ice in it. Seal the bag, shake for a while (around 5 minutes) then eat right out of the bag!

Flavours can be anything, we had some essences (vanilla, peppermint, brandy), some food colouring, some chopped toasted hazel nuts and some chocolate chips.