
Baby didn’t move as much as he was supposed too, so went in for check, he’s looking good on the monitor.


Had Midwife appointment today. All is looking good. He’s still head down, and perfect size. They put me on the monitor, and movement and heartbeat is good. I have to do count checks, 10 movements within a 12 hour period.


Had Midwife appointment. Bloodwork is good, urine is clear, baby is still head down and appears to be perfect size. My sugar levels are great.

Had hospital tour tonight. Very flash looking rooms.


Braxton hicks still happening this morning. Have been timing them as 20 minutes apart. Midwife sent me off for blood and urine tests to ensure it’s not a urinary infection causing my uterus to contract.


Bad braxton hicks tonight. Kept waking up with them


Scan and Ob appointment today. Baby is clearly head down. He weights approx 3 pounds 14 ounces and is right on track to be perfectly normal size.


Midwife and Physician appointment today. Baby is head down already! We get a scan in about 3 weeks to check growth, so far he looks to be just right!


Birthing classes started tonight. They are every Thursday for 2 hours for the next 6 weeks.

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