
Anaesthetist is putting in epidural, when he arrives! I am so pleased to see him, I almost cry. Epidural hasn’t taken effect yet – 5 mins and it does, I am happy.

Give me gas!

They ask me where Daddy is – I am now 5cm dilated and they are getting worried he’s not there. They ring him on his cell phone, he says he isn’t far away. I am crying with the pain, and the antheatist arrives to give me the epidural. In-between the contractions she explains how it works. Goddamn it – just give it to me already!

Sucking gas

They ask me where Daddy is – I tell them that he should be there soon, we only live 20 odd mins away. Pain is bad now, and I am sucking on the gas like there is no tomorrow. I ask for an epidural – I can’t cope with this pain.

Pain relief

I call the nurse and ask for pain relief – I want sleep so I am prepared for what is coming with the birth. The Doc checks my cervix and then gives me pethidene – I sleep. It’s bliss.

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