This week I am doing a series of posts called “Week In The Life”. Basically I will try and document a typical week in our life. I don’t think I’ll be able to write down everything that we do, as we have a lot of special moments, but I do think this will be neat to look back on when my kids have grown up and left home! Maybe one day they’ll want to look at it too.
So, without further ado, my day today:
I woke up at the normal time of 6.45am. My day will normally start by hearing the trit-trot of little feet in the hallway, followed by a ‘I love you Mum’, from some groggy child, just waking up. Then the beep-beep of my alarm.
I helped Wednesday get dressed. This morning was a special morning for the 3 primary school kids, as it was International Day. This means they all dressed in black and white, instead of the usual uniform. It also means Mr S is home.
Going downstairs I made sure they were all dressed, and bags out ready to go. I yell up at Mr Alphabet to get up, and continue down to make breakky. Kids seated and eating, it’s time to do their lunches.
Lunches done, breakky finished, lunches in bags, shoes on, time to go. In the car, belts on, and away we go.
I drop M not far from her school, and she walks the rest of the way. I carry on to the primary school. Kids out and bags on, cuddles all round, and off they go.
Since it’s not long until the parade, Miss S, Mr S and I hang around. We wander up to the service station to buy some power.
Notice Miss S’s neat hair extensions. She bought those yesterday at a $2 shop, as a very special gift while we were having a Mummy/Daughter afternoon out. |
We get back to school, and watch the parade. Basically a bunch of kids wandering in a line around the school, but the kids see that we’re there, and that’s what it’s all about.
Master D waving his NZ flag |
Miss S goes off with her dad, and it’s just Mr S and myself left. As we don’t get that much opportunity to be alone like this, we take the chance to have a nice romantic coffee/hot chocolate in a local cafe.
Mr S heads off to work, and I go home, to washing, beds, dishwasher, and so forth.
I then pop into a hangout, on Google+ which was a lot of fun. I really enjoy the chance to talk to other adults, and am finding I am doing it most days now. It’s like popping over to a friends house for coffee, all from the comfort of my house.
Then it’s time to pick up the girls from school, it’s our weekend with them. After school we watch Spongebob (who doesn’t like that show), and seeing the nice day, head down to the local park.
The girls and I have a ball playing on the play stuff, and Mr S calls to say he’s just around the corner and will join us.
When Mr S arrives, we sit on the bench and chat for a while, while the girls play.
It starts to get a bit chilly, so we head home.
Once home, the girls get a special dinner of pizza, something we don’t normally have, but it’s a special night.
We decide to have a movie night, and Harry Potter Chamber of Secrets is the chosen movie. The girls head off to bed, and Mr S and I have some alone time.
Love the hair extensions! Sounds like an awesome day:)