The hunt for a nice cafè nearby appears to be over. Robin cafè, next to Monterey Cinemas in Howick is fantastic.

The moment we walked in the door we were sincerely welcomed with a smile. The smiles seemed to be a permanent fixture, not just the normal forced smiles but, best as I could tell, the sincere smile of people who genuinely enjoy their work and are glad to help.
The decorations were contemporary, eclectic and understated making for a pleasant, warm and welcoming but not overtly flashy environment. The room was busy and many of the customers were in groups, talking amongst themselves – yet (perhaps owing to the high ceilings?) it still seemed quiet enough that it was far from over whelming.
The coffee was superb – smooth, strong and silky without the burnt bitter taste that seems so common in cafès lately.
The food was fantastic, everything was cooked served and presented with care and attention to detail.
The only issue really was dealt with so very well that it actually made us feel even more positive. Our food was brought out, but the waitress explained that there had been an issue in the kitchen so our wedges would be delayed. She apologised sincerely and had brought us some complimentary fries in the interim.
All in all I can’t recommend this place enough!