Boots has gone missing!
Boots has gone missing, presumed stolen. Please share with your friends, and help get our bunny home.
Boots has gone missing, presumed stolen. Please share with your friends, and help get our bunny home.
Finished my ‘Divine Hat’ for Mum. It’s a free crochet pattern, found here.
I finished my ‘What A Turn Up’ hat. It’s a pattern I was testing. I will link when the pattern …
I had seen the craze, and not really thought much more about it. Mr S suggested that I might like …
I filled out a form a few days ago to get a free sample. It arrived today. You simply boil …
I sometimes often feel like I don’t know who I am anymore. I know who I was. I was a …
The other day, while perusing my local second hand shop, I found these shoes, and fell in love. They are old-fashioned, and …
This has to be one of the most simple, and yet most effective ways of increasing – it looks great!
A very nearly invisible increase
Ever have one of those days where someone says ‘How you doing?’, and you reply ‘Surviving’? Or worse, where no …
First hat for Beanies for Babies. It was a free pattern, crochet hat, and crochet star.