I started to close the door behind them, and hear Bitchy Smurf saying “Why did it take you so long? You must have known that I was there. It’s not good enough.” and started telling the Smurfs off for not going out sooner.
I open the door and calmly say “Bitchy Smurf, if you just honk when you get here, we’ll know you are here.”
Bitchy Smurf immediately raises her voice, and says “Don’t you get smart with me, Mother Smurf.”
Keeping my cool, I say “I’m not getting smart, if you just honk when you pull up, I’ll send the Smurfs out to you.”
Bitchy Smurf says “You’re not going to intimidate me, like you intimidate the smurfs.”
I say “I’m not trying to intimidate, how are we meant to know you’re here if you don’t honk?”
Bitchy Smurf loses her cool, and proceeds to start yelling, saying “What are you going to do, hit me like you hit the Smurfs?”
I say “Bitchy Smurf, CYFS came here and investigated, and there was no concerns. Don’t be so silly.”
Bitchy Smurf carries on screaming, about how I beat the smurfs up, I obviously have an anger management problem, and at least they would be away from me for a week, and so forth. All of this was in front of the Smurfs.
Gosh she sounds a hard person to deal with. I doubt you could do anything to keep her happy. Sounds like you’re doing your best. I feel so sorry for those little smurfs being treated like that. What a shame she can’t e adult about it.
Anyway a big mug of tea and we have some cupcakes as well. Thanks for linky up!
Yes, I can handle it, I’m an adult, but those poor Smurfs, it’s really not fair. Worst bit, I’m sure when they drove off she had a go at them!
Oh gosh! I don’t know who this person is in relation to you, but sheesh, she needs to pull the stick out of her @$$ and cheer up a bit and not take things out on innocent kids.
Hey! Thanks for linking up this weekend! 🙂
Yes, she really does. It’s so sad how she abuses the kids.
Pingback: A Phone Call From Bitchy Smurf | mummybrain.com
lol i like the picture
Yes, makes me smile 🙂
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