He’s coming!

The nurse comes and tells us that they will bring him through to my room soon – can’t wait!!!


We have lots of visitors while he is in NICU. Nana H, Poppa and Uncle R came in the morning (while I was still knocked out), Nana H stayed on to wait for me to wake up. Grandad came. Nana G came. Friend S came. It was a busy time. I don’t really remember it that well, I think I slept through them all!!! Friend S took some photos while he was still in NICU.

They are constantly monitoring me.

Wheeled into NICU

They wheel me into NICU to see my baby for the first time. Oh he is so beautiful. And so small. And so precious looking. He was covered in tubes and in an incubator. It was awful to see him like that. But so good to see him like that.

I wake

I wake. I am woozy but watch the clock like a hawk – I want to see my baby. They won’t let me out of recovery as my blood pressure is low.


Anaesthetist is putting in epidural, when he arrives! I am so pleased to see him, I almost cry. Epidural hasn’t taken effect yet – 5 mins and it does, I am happy.

Give me gas!

They ask me where Daddy is – I am now 5cm dilated and they are getting worried he’s not there. They ring him on his cell phone, he says he isn’t far away. I am crying with the pain, and the antheatist arrives to give me the epidural. In-between the contractions she explains how it works. Goddamn it – just give it to me already!

Sucking gas

They ask me where Daddy is – I tell them that he should be there soon, we only live 20 odd mins away. Pain is bad now, and I am sucking on the gas like there is no tomorrow. I ask for an epidural – I can’t cope with this pain.

Pain relief

I call the nurse and ask for pain relief – I want sleep so I am prepared for what is coming with the birth. The Doc checks my cervix and then gives me pethidene – I sleep. It’s bliss.


Baby didn’t move as much as he was supposed too, so went in for check, he’s looking good on the monitor.


Had Midwife appointment today. All is looking good. He’s still head down, and perfect size. They put me on the monitor, and movement and heartbeat is good. I have to do count checks, 10 movements within a 12 hour period.


Had Midwife appointment. Bloodwork is good, urine is clear, baby is still head down and appears to be perfect size. My sugar levels are great.

Had hospital tour tonight. Very flash looking rooms.

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