Diddles fall off

I was struggling to open a glad wrapped sandwich, and asked Holmes for his assistance.

While waiting, I was telling Morgana a joke.

“When babies are born, the doctors smack them, to make them breath, and the diddles fall off the clever ones.”

Big pause.

“But Mum,” she says, “You can’t even open a sandwich.”

Batman’s Pole

“Why is Batman’s pole twice as big as Robin’s?”

-A very innocent comment while watching the old series of Batman​

I’m in love

Upon trying a new type of cracker that we’d got – Jareth says

“Oh Mum, I’m in love… with this cracker.”


Words of wisdom from my 9yo “Buy all the upgrades first. It’s the best way of living.”

I’ve got ears

So last night, Mr S, Miss S and I were sitting at the table, having dinner. Mr S and asked Miss S to do something, and she had ignored him. Upon repeating himself, Miss S says

“I heard you the first time. I’ve got ears. You don’t have to say it lots of times.”

We glanced at each other and burst into laughter, she was so serious, and sounded just like her mummy 😛
Friday Funny

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