Another Day

Another day, another death

another name printed unfeelingly in the obituary column

no big deal

except this time it’s my Grandad

did you hear me?

My Grandad

not someone else’s but mine


Oh? He’s dead?

To be expected I guess

he was rather old

and not too well


After a short while it really sinks in

the Grandad who’d held me on his knee

taken me for walks

the one who’d cuddle me and tell me I was his little girl

that one?

My Grandad?



I cared so damn much

and this is all I got for it?

Pain? Anger? Hurt?

How dare he make me feel like this

when he’s not here to comfort me



so I feel like this

I can live with that

‘cos although my Grandad’s gone

I know he’ll never leave me

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